The rain

The rain makes, 
germinates, grows, spuds

Our seeds, our food, our plants
Roots, tubers and leaves.

The rain blooms,
breaks, carries, causes
Flowers and hedges
Our roofs, walls collapse and rumble
Bridges submerge, we lose sight of ridges.

The rain collects,
cuts, drowns, drives
At reservoirs, breaking dykes
Mire, mucky, wrecking roads.

The rain floods,

generates, lights, powers
Streets glimmer, trees falling on roads
Industries run, homes warm.

The rain pullulates,
thrives, squelches, quenches.
Ginger rhizomes, wheat fields lush

The thirsty ground and souls soused.

Tramples the flower, trend plants it helped grow and bloom, the rain.
Thunder in the big forests slays wood, timber roasts by lightning.

The rain, gives life, 

#words #reflect #reflection #iLikewords #abarrageofwords #poetry #raindrops #seeds #germinate #plants #grow #thrive #flowers #bloom #rain #torrents #deluge #floods #floodsdestroylives #flowers #fragrance  #macro #scent #live #life #love #laughter #forcesofnatureatwork #nature


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